Encouraging Women Today

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A short interruption to post an article from a dear friend.


Our Holy Week has come and gone, but the brutal and miraculous scenes of that week must burn in our soul year around! It was not a pretty sight: The ground was soaked with blood; our Lord was beaten beyond recognition; darkness hovered over the land for three hours and an enormous earthquake shook the earth, tearing-apart the curtain in the temple. Even tombs opened, which allowed many people who had died to be raised to life (Matthew. 27:51-56; Mark.15:38-41; Luke 23:45 NIV).

All of Jesus’ disciples had fled for their lives, except John. He, Jesus’ mother, her sister Mary, and Mary Magdalene gallantly stayed near the cross. Others watched from a distance.

Some of these women were courageous enough to slip out before sunrise, on what would have been our Sunday morning, to put spices on His body, not knowing how they would move the stone from the grave. (Hey, we women know we can move most anything we have to!) To their surprise, an angel had rolled back the tomb—but Jesus was not there.

Scared nearly speechless, the women told their story to the disciples. Only Peter and John went to see. (They still did not understand that Christ was to rise from the dead.) So, they looked in the sepulcher, and then we are told, “They went back to their homes” (Luke 24:12; John 20:3-10 NIV).

Somewhere during this time, Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene, and then to the other women. Again he said to tell the disciples—who still did not believe the women had actually seen their Lord—to meet Him in Galilee. (Mark 16:10-11; Luke 24:9-11; Matthew 28:8-10 NIV). He finally had to reveal Himself to His disciples, who were behind locked doors.

It seems God has given women a dogged strength, much like the females in the forests: Don’t mess with those I love or you will see my wrath! It is a big mistake to get between a bear and her cubs. I’m glad He has endowed us with a sensitivity and intuition to know Him as intercessors, nurturers, and yes, warriors, when the need demands.

I cheer those in Jesus day who were with Him when He was alone; I cheer those of us who are with Him in our day when He is beguiled and seemingly alone. Every week should be a Holy Week as we remember His cross and resurrection!

Scriptures: In Text.

A Weekly Devotional – by – Evelyn Mills – 04-05-11


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