Encouraging Women Today

Sunday, March 27, 2011

This Proverbs 31 Woman is something else, isn't she? How can it be that this portion of scripture is for we women NOW in the 21st Century. Everything in the Word of God is there for us until we come face to face with God the Father and Jesus the Son.

Let's take another look into the life of Moses on his journey.

Moses lived 40 years in Pharaoh's Kingdom as an adopted son being groomed to be the next Pharaoh. The next 40 years he was in the desert being groomed to lead the Israelites out of bondage into the Promise Land.

Something had to get Moses' attention in order for him to move on in this journey. Even though he was educated and raised as an Egyptian, he was still an Israelite. He became very upset when his birth people were mistreated. Anger overtook him and his "human nature" took over. Moses was now a murderer! He is now on the run and moved away from Egypt to Midian. God knew where Moses was, Moses just didn't know where God was at this time UNTIL The Burning Bush!!! Moses was now hearing from God and the plan was laid out for him. We are usually thrilled to hear from God, but Moses was NOT! He tried to get out of the Plan, but God assured him He would lead, direct & guide.

Just because circumstances look bleak-don't give up on God and His plan for your life. Faithfulness and Obedience were the keys in Moses becoming a Man of God. Faithfulness and Obedience or (the Fear of God and Wisdom) were the key in the Proverbs 31 woman's life.

J.I. Packer has so beautifully explained what the Purpose of Grace is for us:

Not by shielding us by assaults from the world, the flesh, and the devil,nor by protecting us from burdensome and frustrating circumstances, nor yet by shielding us from troubles created by our own temperament and psychology; but rather by exposing us to all these things, so as to overwhelm us with a sense of our inadequacy, and to drive us to cling to Him more closely.

Ask yourself today ARE YOU MAKING EXCUSES to God? Can you hear His voice? Are you willing to go forward on this journey of life as a 21st Century Woman of God?


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