Encouraging Women Today

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Becoming a 21st Century Woman of God. There will be notes for the next several weeks on this subject.

God's word is our only standard of truth. He fearfully and wonderfully created each one of us. Only His word can equip us with true identity, one that brings a Godly confidence, security, satisfaction and genuine success.

If I wake up every day, looking forward to the day instead of dreading it, I will be a BLESSED WOMAN. Is this possible after all that has transpired in my life up to now?

Over the next few weeks, if we can take 2 steps forward and 1 step backward we will have achieved the goal.

Read Chapters 2,3,& 4 of Exodus of the life of Moses. Starting from birth up to 40 years in the wilderness qualified Moses to be a Mighty Man of God. But you will see that he had a very eventful life of rejection, replacement, and reverse reactions. Jot down all of the discouragement that Moses overcame.

Now from your birth up to now, jot down all of your discouraging and encouraging events that have made you who you are today. If you are still living, your life goes on and should be more and more like Jesus Christ. Don't give up and don't let up. The closer you get to the huge mountain the bigger it becomes. Just what is your mountain????? If it is not God, you are discouraged & defeated. If your mountain is God, you are on your way to becoming the Woman God intended for you to be.


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