Encouraging Women Today

Thursday, April 07, 2011

In studying further the life of Moses we see that he continued growing in God by being OBEDIENT AND MAKING WISE DECISIONS.

At first Pharaoh pleaded that the plagues be stopped. He even recognized God as Supreme. When his magicians tried to produce the same plagues they had some success, but OUR GOD always came through all the way. AND HE STILL DOES TODAY. 1. These signs and wonders were to show Egypt as well as Israel, that the Lord is God above all gods and human beings. 2. They were also performed to establish Israel's faith and to convince them of God's power, love & supremacy. 3. They demonstrated God's power over the gods of Egypt. 4. They were divine judgments on Egypt and her gods in order to compel Pharaoh to let God's people go.

Let's take a look:

READ CHAPTERS 8,9, 10, & 11

Plague of Blood
Plague of Frogs
Plague of Gnats
Plague of Flies
Plague of Livestock
Plague of Boils
Plague of Hail
Plague of Locust
Plague of Darkness
Plague of Firstborn
Why did God choose these plagues?

What did you learn about God in these chapters?
2. _________________________________________
3. _________________________________________
4. _________________________________________

Do we REAP WHAT WE SOW? _______________________

Do wrong decisions doom us? ________________________Why or why not? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How did Moses keep God in control of his life? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How can you keep God in control of your life? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Translate Proverb 31 woman: She doesn’t worry about her family… up to- her husband is greatly respected…


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