Encouraging Women Today

Thursday, March 24, 2011

As we continue studying about the life of Moses - a MAN OF GOD- who like us was not perfect, we can apply what Moses learned to our own lives. As we become OBEDIENT to the WORD OF GOD, we will find we CAN become a 21st Century Woman of God.

A dear friend of mine who is an author sent me a description of THE PROVERBS 31 WOMAN. Little did we know that we both were receiving a message for the women in this 21st Century. Following is her document.


We all know, because we have been repeatedly told, that no woman can measure up to this model. I do not believe God had this chapter penned to intimidate women. As I reread this last chapter of Proverbs, I can say, “Yes, I have done this, and yes I do that….” Likely, as a Christian woman, you can join me—no matter your age or stature: Either you are already doing many of the things this woman has done, or you aspire to do them.

Let’s examine.

Beginning with the listings of virtues in verse 11, I can say that my husband can safely trust in me, and as The Living Bible says, I “…richly satisfy his needs.” And, how do I do that?? Well, my husband is my partner and is cared for spirit, soul, and body. I lift his spirit when he is depressed; I know when he needs encouragement. Sometimes his soul needs a soft touch because of disappointments or hurts. That’s when I, through the years, have burned the midnight oil and fought in prayer for him.

This great lady does the same as she “looks well to the ways of her household and is not idle” (v.27). I have always been a willing worker. If something needed to be done, and it was in my power, I would do it. Although I never liked to work outside the home, in lean times, I pulled up my sleeves and went to work.

The Scriptures did not say this busy woman always felt like taking care of her family, buying groceries, preparing meals night and day, working in her garden, sewing, selling her wares, giving to the poor or taking time to give wise counsel. It does say her children called her “blessed.” And, with her support, her husband became an official in her city.

No doubt, you are now seeing yourself in this portrait of the Proverbs 31 woman. If not, take daily inventory. You will be surprised and never intimidated again!

Scripture Meditations: Proverbs 31

A weekly Devotional by Evelyn Mills – 03-14-11


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