Encouraging Women Today

Monday, September 03, 2007

It has been 1 month today since my 8th and final chemo treatment. What
joy & relief to have that behind me. I stand in faith that the chemo
did their job in attacking and destroying any cancer cells present in
body. For those of you who were able to come and celebrate with me at
Pink Party hosted by my sister, Debbie and brother- n-law Barry, I
you! It was a wonderful, memorable evening for me.

From the onset of my journey 8 months ago, my surgeon said to me that
attitude would make the difference on how I endured the process of
surgeries, chemotherapy and the side effects. I decided at that moment
I would perservere and my attitude would be one of HOPE! In Romans 5:
we are told that suffering produces perserverance, and perserverance
produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not
disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts.
that is not to mean that everyday was a victory - I had my pity party
but without fail on those days, I would receive encouragment from one
of you
by the way of a card in the mail, a package would arrive at my
doorstep, a
phone call or an email. Each of you, at one time or another, were one
God's ministering angels to me!

The next step is reconstruction surgery, the 1st of 2 surgeries will
place this Friday, September 7th at Plano Presby Surgerical Center @
10:00am. I will be home recuperating for 2 weeks before returning to
Going forward, I will continue follow-up visits with my Oncologist
every few
months and will be on hormone therapy of Tamoxifen for 5 years.

I want each of you to remember that when difficult times come, and they

will, none of us are exempt; You're strong enough to rise above any
time...tomorrow you may encounter a mountain but you were born to




  • At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sharon - What a profound statement from this gal - there will always be mountains, but we all know how to climb. I really like that because it is true. I have been through some tough times but nothing like this gal has. I always came out with better character just as I read in EE. Always stronger in the lord Jesus Christ. What a testimony for herself and the God she serves and we all have the same opportunity of serving the same God. Bless her.


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