Encouraging Women Today

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A dear friend of mine sent an update on her "C" journey, let it be an encouragement to whatever journey you are traveling.

This Friday, June 22nd will be my 6th chemo treatment, scheduled for
11:00am. I say after each treatment, this is my last and I told my
Oncologist the same thing today. He said that I'm doing very well and
handling the treatments like a true fighter and encouraged me to keep
that I'm almost there. He asked me of all the side effects that you
experience, what is the most difficult to handle and I told him the
He was surprised because he thought I might say the bone pain, the
or the nausea. But, it is the fatigue that gets me down.

I have discovered that it is during this down time that the Lord speaks
me though His word, music or others. Let's be realistic, each one of
us is
going to face a trail in our lives at some point either through the
loss of
a job, a mate through death or divorce, your home, your health, or your
youthful beauty. But, if our hope is in the Lord, we can never lose
God promises to be with us during those times of difficulty. It is
this trial of cancer, which God has allowed, to help me to learn to
live by
faith and not my feelings. I have discovered that:

Trials Sharpen Our Faith - Develops our Character
Trials Help Us Comfort Others - Experiencing Suffering Deepens Our
Compassion for Others
The Lord is with us in Life's Stormy Trials - We are Never outside of
Watchful Eye
The Lord Gives Hope to Our Troubled Hearts - We can have Peace of Mind
the Midst of Our Trial
Trials Are Survivable!!!

"It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not
you or forsake you. Do not fear or by dismayed" (Deuteronomy 31:8)

May God give you the strength today for your journey.


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