Encouraging Women Today

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Everyone is quite concerned about the confusion and trouble our WORLD is experiencing from terrorists, national disasters, suicide bombers, war, killings and so much more. One of our daughters was quite alarmed at some predictions from various theologians. She asked my opinion and this is what I sent her.

1. We know the outlook is not good for all nations.
2. We should be prepared at all times, getting supplies in for a month is a good idea.
3. The bible says: we will know a prophet’s message is right if it comes to pass. So I don’t really pay much attention to specifics. I just look at the warning signs and prepare for them.
4. We need to make sure our lives are right with God.
5. We need to pray for our nation & our leaders.
6. We do not need to fear, because we’ve read the book, and it is happening just like it said. GOD IS IN CONTROL!
7. We don’t know the time of His return, and neither does anyone else. Change is here, and we will deal with it. Our world is getting into a position where the Anti-Christ will be welcomed to solve it all and bring peace. Our world is getting set for someone to bring PEACE. The Bible says when we see these things coming to pass, “Look Up for Your Redemption Draweth Nigh.”
8. When we see Red Flags (Warning Signs) we need to take heed. There are warning signs all around the world.
9. We need to get our finances in order- no matter what.
10. God has promised throughout the bible that He will take care of the righteous. We live day by day, doing the best we can.


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