Encouraging Women Today

Thursday, December 16, 2010

December is the largest celebration month around the world each year. It is a time for shopping, decorations, music, family, greetings cards, Santa, Rudolph, Childrens programs, gifts,donating to the poor & needy, food & baking cookies and yes "celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus".

Even though all of the above seem wonderful, there is still a lack of peace & joy in our world In fact there are those who insist their way of celebrating is THE WAY. What about the boycotting of businesses, the sad criticism of the way to celebrate, the guilt placed on the one who doesn't even know Jesus Christ.

As Luke 2:10 gives a report of the birth, he says: "I BRING YOU GOOD NEWS OF GREAT JOY THAT WILL BE FOR ALL THE PEOPLE". It doesn't mean who you are, what you've done,where you've been, or where you are headed-this news is for YOU.

I'm going to suggest that you find it in your heart to hold dear whatever brings you closer to our Lord. Whatever celebration leaves you with joy & peace & goodwill to men should be right. Let us strive to show forth the LOVE that has been shown to us. Spread that love to those you hold dear. Let your light so shine before men, so that others may see the Light of Christ in you.

Our Savior Jesus Christ did not criticize, mock, tear down, belittle or judge. He went about reaching out to the hurting, sick, sinners and heathen. Love is the essence of God's character. It is his very nature. "The Lord is good to all; He has compassion on all He has made."

Yes, we celebrate the birth of Jesus at the Christmas Season, but the celebration is far more. What is in your HEART this December 2010? Determine to share the Love this Season to ALL! Don't let built-up-walls of difference stop the flowing of that Love.

Happy Holiday
Merry Christmas
Joy to the World
Peace be unto You
Seasons Greetings
Love to All



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