Relationships seem to very challenging for many, whether it is with their spouse, children, in-laws, friends, neighbors or even those we don’t like! If you are at all interested in correcting a situation that you are presently dealing with, or to make a long, overdue correction, read ahead.
1. GIVE UP THE RIGHT TO BE RIGHT. Most of us want to be right, and will fight for it in spite of damaging a relationship. Just once try to “give up the right to be right”. If you start this process, you will find relationships will flourish.
2. REMEMBER THAT THERE ARE TIMES IN LOVE RELATIONSHIPS WHEN YOU CAN BE RIGHT OR YOU CAN BE HAPPY, BUT NOT BOTH. Just decide which is more important: the issue,who is right, who is wrong, or the relationship?
3. SAVE THE HOSTILE DEBATES FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS. If you are a debater and love to discuss issues, just leave the hostility out.
4. NINE TIMES OUT OF TEN, AN ARGUMENT GROWS OUT OF SOME UNMET EMOTIONAL NEED. Identify the emotional need that is not getting met, and there will be no need for conflict Most likely someone else cannot meet your need, you are on your own. This is where God fills in those vacuums; just allow Him to meet that need.
5. ENTERTAIN THE POSSIBILITY THAT THE CAUSE OF THE DISAGREEMENT MIGHT BE YOUR FAULT. Just try asking this question and answer it honestly: “What might be my part in all of this mess?”
6. TAKE YOUR EYES OFF THE CONTENT OF WHAT IS BEING SAID AND FOCUS INSTEAD ON THE HEART OF WHAT IS BEING SAID. Focusing on the content sets you up to be tempted and to refute what the other person is saying. Getting off of the subject causes temptation of bringing up back issues that may or may not relate. Stay focused, stay calm, stay current, and remember words can never be taken back.
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