With the stats in our country continuing to "look bleak", many may have short-term happiness. Do we have to have everything perfect to have happiness? My answer is the outer person should not effect the inner person from happiness! The Word tells us the Joy of the Lord is Our Strength. Following are ten ways to lift your spirits:
1. Realize you cannot buy happiness.
2. Manage your Time. Happy people feel in control of their lives.
3. Act happy. Going through the motions can trigger the emotions.
4. Happy people are often absorbed in a challenging, but not overwhelming task.
5. Exercise
6. Sleep
7. Foster close relationships
8. Be helpful. Doing good makes you feel good.
9. Be grateful. Pause to think about what you have rather than what you don't.
10. Nurture your spirit:(my translation) pray, read the Word of God, and put it into practice.
We can and we will make it through these trying times, we know the end of the story! Time are tough, but we will make it with a few adjustments! Don't be fearful of change in your personal life.
david myers, The Pursuit of Happiness