Encouraging Women Today

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Why does it take so long to get to where we want to be in life as a believer? The pieces of the puzzle start to take place, we think we've found the key, then "zap", we've lost it! A circumstance, loss or disappointment steal our hope and trust! TRUSTING IS AN ACT OF WORSHIP! Trusting God completely means having faith that as my life unfolds, God knows exactly what He is doing.
We do have a Road Map, but are we trying to figure it out without the instructions? Last week I had to purchase a new sewing machine. The sales lady said these words: "I do have instructions, but I have a hard time reading them, so I just try to figure it out myself." And that is exactly what took place in the store. A beautiful sewing machine was sitting in front of us and all I wanted to do was to see how to thread the bobbin and how to thread the machine. It took us 45 minutes to do this (without the manual). Oh yes we got there, but it took so long, and never found out how to stop the needle from going "up and down" while threading the bobbin. I DID BUY THE MACHINE! (in spite of the fact.) When I got home, I got out the manual and in 1 minute found out exactly how to perform this simple act in preparation for sewing. THE SECRET WAS READING THE MANUAL!


I didn't say it was easy and I didn't say we wouldn't have to release "our will and our way". God's ways always work, His Word always works, and our wills are always being tested. Submit your ways to God and He will take care of every avenue in your life.

Monday, March 17, 2008

A dear friend of mine shared one of her devotionals with me today. This Easter Season is early this year. All year long I thank God for what HE DID FOR ME AND HOW HE KEEPS DOING DAY BY DAY. Happy Easter!

The towering pine trees stood in majestic rows across from our driveway. They and our turn-of-the-century farmhouse had weathered many storms together, and both bore marks of timeless character. Having been there during one of the worst ice storms ever, I was able to hover by our fireplace and listen to the popping and cracking of the ice-laden limbs as one-by-one they broke and fell to the ground. Some of the treetops did the same—but the trunks themselves never bent.
It was their character to stand straight and tall until they were cut down for their owner’s use.

Somehow these native trees, which I loved so much in my youth, remind me of soldiers on a battlefield who obey their General’s orders through victory, retreat, or death. They remind me of Captains who are the last to leave their ships; they remind me of our Great Commander, Jesus Christ, who never wavered. He had a mission to accomplish—and that was his focus.

Jesus did not bow or bend to the political correctness of His time. He spoke to the Pharisees and Sadducees, calling them hypocrites to their face. He was direct and to the point, not concerned that He would offend anyone. Neither did He flinch when He set his face to go to Jerusalem for the last time. He knew He would die there, but refused the carnality of his disciples who did not want Him to go. Jesus did not bend to the will of others, although He knew it was time for Him to be broken for our sins. His character always triumphed.

Our Lord tells us to take up our cross and follow him. As we contemplate this Passover Season, can we choose to stand tall and strong refusing to sway with the winds of our culture. He did not succumb, and neither should we—regardless of the consequences. It takes focus, it takes courage, and it proves our character.

Scripture References:

Luke 18:31-34; Matthew 23:13-33; Matthew 26:39-45

A Weekly Web Devotion – by – Evelyn Mills – 03-16-08