Encouraging Women Today

Monday, February 25, 2008

How influential are you in your own little world? Friday night I attended a banquet at the Anatole Hotel in Dallas. Our guest speaker was Tommy Barnett from Phoenix, Arizona. Some of you may or may not have heard of Tommy Barnett. He has been a friend of my husband, Lee, and mine for many years. We've watched Tommy build a church to over 15,000 people in Phoenix. He has been instrumental in starting inner city ministries throughout the U.S. and is presently preparing for New York City and London. The reason for this great growth is that this pastor loves people and believes he can make a difference in his world.

Many are struggling with circumstances, relational challenges, physical challenges and/or financial disappointments. Satan may have already gotten to you telling you that you can do nothing because of your challenges. Don't believe it! Check to see if you are still breathing and IF you are, you can still make a difference in your world.

Start in your home, then move to your extended family, then into your neighborhood, and before you know it, you will have made a difference! It only takes one phone call, one card, one "hello", one visit, one kind word and love for the lost, hurting, dying and depressed. Christ put you here for such a time as this, don't allow doubt, fear and disappointments stop you from making a difference in your world!


This day I make a commitment to look beyond myself and into the lives of those in need. I'm asking You to give me strength and boldness to make a difference starting today. Thank you for dying on the cross for me, forgiving me of my sins and preparing a home for me in heaven. Forgive me for doubting myself. As I read your Word and pray may you once again come alive in my spirit, so that my purpose will unfold into your will for my life.

In Jesus Name: Amen


  • At 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Sharon: This was really good. I have never met Tommy Barnett but have heard many good things about him. Must have been a great evening because he is a great man. I loved the statement "If you are still breathing you can make a diference in everyone you come in contact with." Not your words ver batem but my words as I remember your words. I am thanking God that my struggling days are pretty well over - still have some of those days because I am still very human. Arlene


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