Encouraging Women Today

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

To all of you people whom I do not know I have enjoyed reading your testimonies so much in EE. I think of the gal that went to her Pastor when her marriage was really down the tube (so she thought) and God just really ministered to her husband in such a mighty way. It took me back 55 years to Bob and My beginning which was not all that great. We both brought baggage to the marriage but I have to tell you if we wives are faithful to God, God can do wonders in in our marriages. Seems to fall on the Woman to have the strength to persevere. Bob and I both look at each other and verbally say "where would I be today without you." Bob is such a man of God. I just feel so blest but it was a lot of work. But you know, we have to do what God asks of us. I know that God wanted me to be in this marriage but I just did not know what a high calling it was going to be to be Bob's wife, a mother to his children, and a grandmother to his grandchildren and now we have one Great Granddaughter. All I can say as I look back that God has been so faithful and the great part is I do not have to look back any more I just strive for more of what God has for me in my life in the future.

Rhonda, you are a real trooper. Your faith is unbelievable. Yes, we all try to raise our children to rise to our needs whatever they are. You have definitely done that. I experience that with our children also. I give them space (we had a son and daughter) but if there is a need they really rise to the occasion. When Bob is out of town, like now for several days, our son stops in each day to see if I have any needs. When God does surgery on your heart, as he did for me, and takes out all the crude and dumps in a bunch of love that is the greatest feeling of all. Love is the winner in all cases. Just a few little helps that I have used in my life are as follows:

"Always be loyal to what you discern when you are in closest contact with God."
"Take my heart and form it - Take my mind and transform it - take my will and conform it, to yours Oh Lord."
"I like to keep a dandelion growing in the driveway because it always reminds me that as deep as that dandelion root is and how difficult it is to remove or kill that is the depth of the faithfulness and love that I should have for the Lord that it can never be killed. In closing Revelations 3:5 - Everyone who conquers will be clothed in white, and I will not erase his name from the book of life, but I will announce before my Father and his Angels, that he is mine. How is that for a great promise to hold onto. Now to all who reads this "blessings abundantly, love endlessly and pray unceasingly."



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