In about 3 and a half weeks, my baby is going to be having a baby. It's been so fun to follow Krystal's Blog each week and her journey of motherhood . Many days when I read it, I'm laughing and most of the days, I'm crying... just because I'm a sap and it doesn't take much for me to get sentimental these days. When Krystal found out she was pregnant, she dug out her Night Night Bear. Both Krystal and Caleb had pacifiers and we called them their "night night". And, there was always a favorite one (same brand, but broken in). John and I found ourselves many nights, searching the house, the lawn, in bags, under rugs to frantically find the special broken-in night night.
Well, when Krystal had her second birthday, I thought it was time to wean her off the night night. Oh how scary this was for me - she LOVED her night night...even more than Caleb did. So, we had a game-plan and tried to play the old switcheroo...we bought a very special "Night Night Bear" for Krystal to replace her night night (pacifier). I'll never forget the night when we tried to tell her that night night was gone and NOW she gets to sleep with Night Night Bear. Oh how the tears fell out of those beautiful brown eyes and then the tears fell out of my eyes... and John - well, I couldn't tell you where he was - ha! I don't think he could handle the drama.
About 3 months ago Krystal came to me and said she wanted to have Night Night Bear reconstructed. The poor bear hardly had any stuffing, was missing an arm, her eyes were so deep into the fabric you couldn't them, she looked dirty... the list goes on. Krystal wanted to use the same fabric and keep the nose (which had teeth marks on it - precious). I found a lady at my work that makes bears and she kept Night Night Bear for about 3 weeks... as you can tell below - she did an amazing job. And now, Brynley will have her mommy's Night Night Bear. You may be curious what we gave Caleb when we felt he needed to be weaned off his night night.... Well, you have to understand, we waited five years between our kids and I was just too tired to go through the trauma again... so, he weaned himself off - ha!
This is my daughter's latest blog of which I wanted to share on my blog. The rest of the story is @
Oswald Chambers has said: “WE MUST GET SICK UNTO DEATH OF OURSELVES…” Ouch!
When we become discouraged, angry, depressed and disillusioned our eyes are only on “OURSELVES”. Every day I run into someone who has hit “rock bottom”, and I want to help with every ounce of encouragement I can find. The sad thing is I cannot do it for anyone. We are all accountable for ourselves with our own solutions.
Today, if you are struggling to stay calm in the storm, let me try to guide you to shore. Relinquish your will to the SOURCE of your answer – God!
1. Relax and ride the storm out with confidence in your SOURCE – God!
2. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness!
3. Have faith that God will make good out of what Satan intends for bad.
4. Study the manual, it will show you exactly what to do.
Have you lost a job, your mate, your health? Have your children given you great disappointment? Is money a challenge in paying bills? Do you feel all alone and no one cares? Does everything you put your hand to, seem to blow up in your face? I am going to make a suggestion of taking your eyes off of yourself and your situation, and putting all of your attention to God, your source.
Deuteronomy 6 has a lot to say for you today:
v. 2 –obey the word
v.5 – love the Lord your God with all your heart
v.7 – talk about God’s commands all day
v.12 – remember what God has done for you in the past
v.17 – keep all of God’s commands, and do what is right.
v.24 – fear God , be obedient and you will prosper