Encouraging Women Today

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Leaving a Legacy

IT TAKES WISDOM TO LEAVE A LEGACY & A LEGACY CAN BE WISDOM! CHARLES SPURGEON WRITES ON WISDOM: WISDOM IS THE RIGHT USE OF KNOWLEDGE. TO KNOW IS NOT TO BE WISE. MANY MEN/WOMEN KNOW A GREAT DEAL AND ARE NOT WISE. BUT TO KNOW HOW TO USE KNOWLEDGE IS TO HAVE WISDOM. I would like to be at a place in life, no matter what my circumstances, where I STAND FIRM, BE STRONG & HAVE HOPE. Check the thermometer of your soul for a moment. Are you prepared for this task? Whether you know it or like it, all of us are "INFLUENCERS" SOMEONE INFLUENCED HITLER SOMEONE INFLUENCED MADELINE O'HARA SOMEONE INFLUENCED BILLY GRAHAM SOMEONE INFLUENCED MOTHER TERESA SOMEONE INFLUENCED MARTIN LUTHER. One of my passions as a Mother has always been to pass WISDOM down to my children & grandchildren. In order to be successful at this task before me, I must take TIME. T-Take time to NAME the challenge that has stopped progress. Take time to SHARE with a trusting friend your challenge. Take time to PRAY Take time to PLAN I - Integrate New thoughts New ideas New people Your gifts M-Mentor Be available to someone who could benefit from your experiences. Any age can be a mentor from their experiences Be available E-Encourage Yourself Those in need Become an encourager to all Don't wait until tomorrow, start today passing Godly wisdom down to this generation. It makes no difference if you had a good or bad legacy passed to you. YOU CAN START ANEW RIGHT NOW. Leave a LEGACY that your children, family and others will benefit from in their lives. JAMES 1:5,6 "IF ANY OF YOU LACK WISDOM, LET HIM ASK OF GOD, THAT GIVETH TO ALL MEN LIBERALLY AND UPBRAIDETH NOT; AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN HIM. BUT LET HIM ASK IN FAITH, NOTHING WAVERING. FOR HE THAT WAVERETH IS LIKE A WAVE OF THE SEA DRIVEN WITH THE WIND AND TOSSED."