Encouraging Women Today

Saturday, July 23, 2011



Down through the years Lee and I have had many chances to PROVE GOD. Sometimes we doubted, lost heart & became discouraged. We tried not to stay there long. About 6 years ago it was one of those times when EVERYTHING hit is from every angle. There were health issues, financial issues, betrayal issues and we asked ourselves a loaded question: “Do we believe what we’ve talked & preached all these years?” Our answer was “Yes we do!”

It took quite awhile to stop the pity parties, depressed moods, lack of faith and get back to the basics of BELIEF & TRUST. I. Corinthians 16:13 says: “BE ON YOUR GUARD, STAND FIRM IN THE FAITH, BE MEN/WOMEN OF COURAGE, BE STRONG.” (NIV) The MESSAGE BIBLE SAYS: “KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN, HOLD TIGHT TO YOUR CONVICTIONS, GIVE IT ALL YOU’VE GOT, BE RESOLUTE AND LOVE WITHOUT STOPPING.” What a powerful command!

I want to share part of a testimony from Daniel Darling who is a Pastor & Author. “My trial presented a God-given moment to demonstrate what I was preaching. If the people in my church and/or (family )saw God working through me toward forgiveness, they might find that same hope in their own struggles. His MENTOR told him that ‘God often sends trials into our lives to model scripture.

Lee and I are not perfect, but if we can be an example of how to walk in the midst of trials- that would be a good thing. We fail at times, but try to pick ourselves back up and get on track. This life is not over and there will be more trials and tribulations for all of us.

Our Heavenly Father: Forgive me for ever doubting YOU. Forgive me for giving up on YOU. Forgive me for turning my back on YOU. Forgive me for blaming YOU. YOU ARE GOD. Help me to turn around and run to YOU. There is nothing YOU allow, but what YOU have the answers. I want to trust YOU, but it’s dark. I need a light at the end of the tunnel. Revive my spirit and trust. In Jesus Name. Amen