Encouraging Women Today

Saturday, November 01, 2008


Almost 30 years ago I received a report from my doctor that read: “POSITIVE”! Lee and I were 40 years old and expecting our third child. Friends and family called us “Abraham & Sarah”. How in the world did this happen?

We kept this private for the first few months. I was conducting a Bible Study in our church one morning and asked one of the women to close in prayer. Before she prayed she made a statement that made a difference in my outlook of this gift from God. She said” What a thrill it would be to bring up a child in the Last Days”! HOW DID SHE KNOW! She didn’t, but God did know.

In a few days our country will be that much closer to the Last Days then 30 years ago. Our command from God’s Word is to: Lift Up Our Heads, Our Redemption Draweth Nigh.” (Luke chapter 21.) This is what we are to look for:
Nations will rise against Nations
Great earthquakes, famines and pestilences
Fearful events
Torrential Rage
Cosmic signs
Threats of doom
Children rise against parents
Beware of false prophets

Luke goes on to say:
Be on Guard
Don’t be distracted by circumstances, parties, drinking and shopping

We will all have a “healthy fear”, but what an exciting time to be a part of this most prophetic time. Yes, we are in the Last Days, the handwriting is on the wall. Do not faint. Be careful so your hearts aren’t weighed down with dissipation and anxieties of life. Don’t be alarmed when these things come to pass. These Times are:
Exciting – yes
Easy - no
Eternal – yes
Electrifying – yes
Eager – yes/no
Energized -yes
Eerie – no
Earnest – yes
Eventful – yes


Father: May your will be done in my life, my family and my country. I thank you for your love, your provision and protection. Give me direction, hope and trust as I look to You in everything in my life. I want to thank you for the days ahead as you continue taking us on this journey. May the things of earth grow dim as I look to YOU.
In Jesus Name, Amen