Encouraging Women Today

Friday, May 30, 2008


Paul said in II Corinthians 11:30: "If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness."
There have been times in my life, usually when I was tired, that I wanted people to know how much I was doing. One time I even made a list of all I had done and handed it to my husband. Do you know how much that impressed God? NOT!
God's plan is working inside-out, not outside-in. Outside-in produces pride, conceit, putting guilt on others, and sores that fester.
God is interested in taking a life and developing it after His Own Purpose. Oswald Chambers said: "It is a slow process. God is making us spell out our own souls. We have to get rid of the idea that we understand ourselves. The only one who understands us is God." He is the only one who can perfect us. As we relax in Him, we will not boast of anything. Our very presence will illumiate every place we trod.


  • At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sharon - this was a real lifter and many truths that apply to me and I am ashamed of. I am doing better - but, geez, does it last a lifetime? I am getting a little wiser and catching myself before it happens but sometimes I just want to shout from the house top - Do you all know what all I am doing? Would not get me anywhere. Just better to be still and then Bob will come up to me sometimes and say, "Arlene, have you rested today"? If I haven't he will say, I know, you look really tired. That is what I feel you are telling us in this EE. Luv ya much and this has made my day. - Arlene


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