Today as I was walking and meditating, I kept thinking about unwrapping packages that I receive as gifts. Sometimes we expect one thing, and get something else. Have you ever been disappointed with a gift? Did you stop and think that "The Giver" planned it, purchased it and presented it to you because they cared?
I then thought of the "Packages of Life", whether a spouse, children, a home, a job, relationships or circumstances. They are all gifts that have come to us in a package that has been inspected by God. Like the actual gift packages we unwrap, do we show disappointment, are we disillusioned, is it unfair and did the gift come without instructions.
We are to accept these gifts with appreciation and thankfulness. Life is a series of "gifts". I'm sorry to say I don't always display appreciation and thankfulness for all of the "gifts" that come my way. I often look at these gifts as a hinderance, and fail to thank the giver.
We are commanded to be content and thankful for what we have in life. Life is a series of gifts, let us try to be thankful for what we receive, even if it isn't what we have chosen, wanted or ordered.
Dear Father:
I know your ways are not my ways and I don't see things as you see them. Therefore I want to ask your forgiveness for failing to thank you for all things in life. I want to start looking at "gifts" you've sent my way differently. I know with your help and strength, I can become a thankful person for all things in life. I know as the "Giver", you know what I need much better then I do. You created me and are molding me in your image, therefore I will put forth every effort to accept YOUR gifts and learn to love them.
In Jesus' Name, Amen