Maybe you’re at a place where you need a thought to lift your spirits.
There are about 3 major things in life that I have been praying for a long time. One in particular for years! Wow! Maybe I can give you some encouragement as I encourage myself! AND it’s not that we don’t know what to do, it’s just that we are so human, it’s hard to get to that place. I’ve noticed that our personalities determine 3 things:
1. How hard we take a hit.
2. How deep it goes.
3. How long it stays.
4. What actions we take.
There are several challenges that seem to knock us off our rocker more then any others;
Death of a loved one, job loss, relational challenges, financial strain, divorce, illness, wayward children.
Ask yourself these questions:
1. Is this a permanent situation?
2. Is there anything I can do?
3. Can I trust God for His answers, strength and wisdom?
My mother, Kate, was a living example to me as a child, teen and adult of how to walk through a hard journey. Not that I do it all the time, but I keep going back to the example of my Mentor. Kate was a woman of God who believed God was in control ALL the time of EVERY circumstance. She didn’t get there over night, but after walking through several severe challenges, she got to that point.
Kate lost my brother, her only son to cancer at the age of 21.
My father was a great man, but did not know God, so she stood alone in this department.
My brother and his wife had a son born 2 months after his death.
My parents raised their grandson until he was nine.
At this age, his mother went to court to get him back, and forbid grandparental visits.
My sister went through a divorce during these years.
Kate Taught Me:
1. Weeping is for a time, JOY comes in the morning.
2. Stay silent- keep in God’s Word for instruction and encouragement.
3. Always get up and start the day with a new hope.
4. Always attend church with other believers for strength, hope and encouragement.
5. Release God to do it His way.
6. Be thankful for what you have left.
7. Look for someone you can encourage.
If depression and oppression hit me, I am to blame, not God, nor anyone else.
At 12:42 PM, Anonymous said…
This is a great example that we need to remember every time we are struggling.
Thanks so much for your encouragment!
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