Several months ago, a friend of mine was going through a physical and emotional down time. She was sad because her group of friends didn’t know what to do with her. She felt dropped and alone. Don’t think badly of those who don’t know what to do, just search out new friendships. There are those in life who do understand what pain and trials are, because they have no doubt been through this journey themselves.
I encouraged her to search for friendships at places such as: bible studies, church, family and maybe a neighbor. Since this friend was part of a bible study group, she started befriending those whose gifts were encouragement. She had 2 choices: withdrawing and being defeated by fear, discouragement and disillusionment, or reaching out. REACHING OUT took effort, because making new friends takes action.
We cannot grow or heal alone. From the start of creation, God created two. We grow as those close to us HELP FILL IN THE GAPS. We were created to help, encourage and fill in for weaknesses in others. That is where we receive our fulfillment. The scripture that says: “GIVE AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN TO YOU”, is so true in the scope of life.
If you’ve not noticed we are all SO DIFFERENT: where I am weak – you may be strong; where I am hurting – you may be well; where I am shy- you may be bold; where I may serve- you may pray; where I am full of doubt – you may be full of faith.
Isaiah 41:6
Let us become active participants in this area of reaching out, accepting and sharing. If you start looking for someone to HELP or someone to HELP YOU, you will be amazed at the results you find.
During January and February of 2007, we will continue on this subject.
Dear God:
My desire in 2007 is to do all I can in becoming a well, happy, peaceful, productive woman through you and for others. I pray for direction in finding those who can make my life more complete and in searching out those with whom I can pour my life into. May your Holy Spirit lead me, direct me and guide me in this adventure. May your word become a light unto my feet and a light unto my path. AMEN.
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