Encouraging Women Today

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


When I first read that comment I thought I read it wrong. Most of us going through a "strain", feel we are being prepared for something great. But the main purpose in the "strain" is "this is For You NOW". We will lose sight if our eyes are on the purpose, instead of our SOURCE. Our Source, in case you need to be reminded is God Himself. No matter what you are going through right now, don't forget your Source is where you need to focus.

To have a plan is OK, if in line with God's Word. In Mark 6:45-54 we read a great lesson. The disciples were in the boat alone while Jesus had gone to the mountainside to pray. A storm came up, and Jesus saw the disciples "Straining" at the oars, because the wind was against them. Immediately he spoke to them: "Take Courage, It is I, Don't Be Afraid". He then got into the boat with them, and they felt safe when the storm died out.

The main lesson for the disciples and for we who are in a "strain or storm", is for us to learn that Jesus is there for us whether in the storm, in the boat with us, or calming the storm. Can you stay calm during the storm? When I start looking for someone to calm me or the storm, instead of looking to the Source, it doesn't work. Too many times God's plan will possibly become aborted when I turn around and run, drop out, give up or have so much fear that I block everything.

My son-in-law emailed these words to me one day: "The more we do it our way, the less He can work in our lives. He patiently waits for us to submit to His way. If there are times we feel nothing is being accomplished, so be it! But in the spiritual, God is growing us and He often moves in spurts of greatness, even in slowness or stillness".

May God encourage with the words in Mark: "TAKE COURAGE, IT IS I, DON'T BE AFRAID."

God Bless,



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